
Monday, July 7, 2014

Day 20 (Right), Day 10 (Left)

I've graduated from taping a plastic disc over my left eye at night. It's been 10 days since I had surgery for my left eye and the surgeon's office recommended wearing the disc at night for a week. I caught myself lightly scratching my eyelid last night. My eyes have sometimes been a wee bit itchy post surgery and I've avoided touching them.

My vision gets a little clearer each day. Today, I found myself reading small text on my iPhone without struggling as much or thinking about it. The text on my computer screen is starting to become clear. It was just a few days ago that text was still very blurry with a double vision effect. I'm so happy about the progress my vision is making. I'm comfortable driving now (even though my vision isn't yet 20/20).

I had lunch today at the same Japanese noodle shop I had lunch at after surgery nine days ago and noticed how much clearer everything was than it was then. I'll be curious to see how I take to mini mono-vision once my vision stabilizes.

My eyes have always seen color differently. My right eye has a rose filter on it and my left eye has a yellow filter. This continues to be the case now after surgery. I don't give it much thought and it doesn't bother me. I'd like to remember to ask the surgeon if he knows what causes this phenomenon when I see him next. I have my one-month, follow-up appointment toward the end of this month.

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